Dr. Cherri Ann Jennewein - Certified EMDR Therapist


Dr. Cherri Ann Jennewein; “CJ’s”.  She began her career in Animal Emergency Medicine while pursuing her degree’s in Human Medicine. She raised 3 children, and they are the best. From 2005 to present emergency medicine has always been her favorite practice, where academia runs a close second. She teaches Nurse Practitioners, and heads a program for infectious disease; specifically Hepatitis C. She is a strong patient advocate and understands medication interactions. She studied this in an IRB approved review where enzymes rule and interactions abound. This study cross referenced enzyme metabolism, then compared many different types of hazardous drug interactions to respected treatment modalities with protocols for chronic conditions. Her additional certifications are in toxicology, trauma, and mental health. Most currently she is helping to expand the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) which has been proven to help people heal from stressful events. Dr. Jennewein is a certified EMDR therapist.

Contact details

Jennewein Healthcare 722 Rodney Ave. N.E. Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32547Florida Panhandle,32547 850-240-9023 http://www.ecjhc.com/

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